February 17, 2023 | News, Tax, Tax Alert


TAX ALERT 3 | IRS - Postponement of the deadline for communications

IRS - Postponement of the deadline for communications

The Order No. 51/2023-XXIII, of the Secretary of State for Tax Affairs, which postpones, until February 27, 2023, some relevant communication deadlines for IRS purposes and which would end on February 15, namely:

  • Household communication;
  • The communication of attendance at a dependent educational establishment with income;
  • The allocation of expenses and real estate to the taxable person's activity;
  • The notice concerning long-term lease contracts.

[This document is for information purposes only and does not dispense with the analysis of the legislation and assessment of its applicability to each specific situation. Therefore, we are not responsible for any decision made based on this information.]